Often, the first time BOINC or one of its components is started, the Firewall gives an alert through a pop-up window like the example above. Depending on the brand, exemptions can be set to ignore this traffic complete and even exclude it from system activity recording. Given that Software firewalls do not distinct between LocalHost/Loopback traffic and regular LAN and Internet communication, they tend to continuously blink in the System Tray. Here an example of an alert pop-up from the BOINC screensaver asking permission to talk to the core client. If an event occurs, it is recorded in various BOINC logs which entries can be viewed in the BOINCmgr GUI, Message Tab. This is a once per second communication of the BOINCmgr or BOINC Screensaver with the BOINC daemon who in turn listens for the sciences *heartbeat*, checking that all is fine and exchanging status info.

What is observed by firewalls like Zone Alarm, Sunbelt Personal Firewall and others makes is the continuous exchange of the process status. The data goes from one process to the networking layer of the operating system and the operating system sends it straight back to the other process. This works whether there is an Internet connection or not. In normal use, then, both processes will be on the same computer, and the address that is connected to is the special "Loopback" address aka LocalHost.
to update the local profile with changes made on the website. boinc.scr, the screensaverThis RPC traffic over LocalHost NEVER leaves the computer EXCEPT if the BOINC client actually needs to report work or retrieve new tasks or e.g.boincscr.exe, the screensaver engine (newer clients, not Linux).BOINCcmd.exe, the command line tool (mostly used on Linux).
BOINC.exe, the Core Client or Daemon (Will show as "World Community Grid - BOINC Agent" in Task Manager when using the WCG install package).These 4 components that can be active are. RPC uses the BOINC designated port 31416 (was 1043) and a second, randomly assigned port in the range 1038-5000. As it is, BOINC is made up of 4 components who talk to each other internally over the so-called *LocalHost* which always employs IP and utilizing the Remote Procedure Call or in short RPC protocol. The Firewall function is to monitor all network traffic and to alert when something irregular is going in or out of a computer to another computer on the a LAN or to the Internet in particular.